Jacob Jaffe
Advertisements at Walgreens locations asking people to consider getting their COVID-19 and Flu shots at the same time.
A flyer for the country of Malawi, encouraging people to get COVID-19 vaccine.
My very first full site launch 😭! The team worked hard to combine hard-hitting, educational copy with stylish art.
This webinar, presented by a Patient Education Manager, is all about identifying, treating, and supporting those with NMOSD.
This lifestyle and wellness webinar is aimed at parents of children with a rare disease, helping them to feel seen, too.
This VR storyboard showcased an eye-opening patient experience for HCPs at a conference.
This set of banner ads promoted Ultomiris, a treatment for NMOSD.
This brochure helped patients to understand the ins and outs of their disease and an effective treatment for it.
This guide, which personalized itself based on a patient's survey responses, helped individuals speak to their doctor.
Prior to an infusion, patients received this print guide, which provided guidance for a smooth and comfortable experience.